Selasa, 21 Jun 2011
assalamuailaikum wt semua readers yg cmeyl n segak (yg islam) n sla sejahtera juga wt kpd readers yg bukan islam (if i hve k)...nk tw x ke mana wans menghilag selama ini selama bberapa hari ni....aduyaiiiii....bnyk kerja lorrrrr........hari ni sahaja de perjumpaan n manifesto of MPP KOLEJ MARA KULIM..........hahahaha.....hope balqis will prsent properly.!!mmm........ketika wans menulis entry ni,,,,,,CALON MPP LAILa,,,,tgh present dy pnye manifesto....kowg ase dy akan lakukan ke apa yg dia ckp??????? nope right??? dia cakap pe yang dia ckp bkan untuk menarik undi tapi dlm HATI???????? u thnking about that! nnmpk cgt dia memang nak sangat nk jd PRESIDEN OF MAJLIS PERWAKILAN PELAJAR KOLEJ MARA hrp ko lepas LAILA!!! CALON MPP,,,JABIR!!! wans tak tw npe owg bsorak untuk dy?????pe yg ok??? pe perubahan yg akan dy wt???? pe plak dy mahu tburkan janji????? pe lg prbohongan yg akan dibuat???? pe lg?? wans bukan nk hentam ok.........BUKAN SAMA SEKALI!!!!! wans bercakap pe yg wans rasa......wans rasa dyowg ny hnya nk mngjar populariti,,,,(whtever i think,,,,,just my mind thinking....tnpa pengaruh owg lain...DIINGATKAN SEKALI LAGI!!!! INI HANYA PENDAPAT WANS SAHAJA).....aduhhhhhhhh.....sediakan jabatan PERKAHWINAN???? what the rational of this??? hahahaha....JABIR,,, wans stuju je sbb bdak KMKm segelintir yg BERPERANGAI SEDEMIKIAN (NOPE ME... PENDAPAT WANS SAHAJA) yg wans setuju SANGAT DGN JABIR,,,,SEDIAKAN WI-FI kat dorm..hahahahahaha.....bukan untuk mnyenangkan wans untuk tulis BLOG..NOPE k...........untuk GOOGLE mencari maklumat untuk siapkan ASGMNT only!!!....SWEAR!!hahahahaha....NEXT!!1 FARHANA_calon MPP seterusnyaa (owg kelate plak dh...wans suka..).......mmmm...wans tak tw nk ckp pe sbb ase isi manifesto dy lebih krang cm LAILA n JABIR je....aduiiiiii....xde idea ke beb?????next candidate plezzzzzzz........bosan xde isi 5mnit je dy,,,,ASHRAF.....low profile r de chnce cm FARHANA,,,dy xbsedia bg maifesto dy...aduiii.......ha!!! my frenz plak.....BALQIS_CALON sokong dy!!!!!why she wnt to be MPP..??? sbbb nk mnerapkan unsur islamik...wah!!! hebat!!! wah hebat......hahaha...dy cdngkan untk t LADIES NIGHT_n_MEN NIGHT....hahaha.....sokong r juga.............others,,,,,,dy jga macok kn unsur kebajkan untuk mmbantu pelajar yg ingin pulang ke RUMAH (bg yg homesick).....,,,dgn mmbantu mereka dptkan tiket bas..........stuju cgt kan???????,,,,NAZIRUL_CALON MPP...hahaha....xsgka naa owg SP cme gn wans......sempoi r dy smpaikan manifesto wans xdpt tgkap r pe point dy untuk stdnts KmKm..huhuhuhuhu.......alamk,,,,,,,,,,skjpnyee pnyampaian ko rul...UNDI CALON MPP YG anda yaKIn yg anda yakIn dy leyh berkebolehan n berketrampilan n de boleh mmimpin......BAGUS...undi r NAZIRUL UNTK PRESIDEN KITA!!!.......basmallah.....mmm....fadilah,,,,mm..pnat nk mnulis ....wans xmw mnekan kyboard lg......sok de QUIZ SC COMP.....,,,wans xstdy pape ny......k...assalamualaikum buat yg islam dan salam sejahtera untuk bukan islm....wslm...
Selasa, 14 Jun 2011
slmt mlm......maaf kerana tgh mlm bwu de mse nk tliz blog........ary ny bljr cm besa walaupun sunyi tnpa Sheyhn.......huhuhu...dpt lain klz ttrial r derrrrr........ary ny de KOK...kowg tw x KOK tu pe?? xtw kot...KOK tu KOKORIKULUM.....hahahahaha...what tha hell!!!!......wans dpt kelab masakan tw2 je wans xbpe HANDAL masak..kuikuikuikui............o,,,,i be TIM.PRESIDEN of MASAKAN Society. hahahahaha...PRESIDEN??? kowg ase? are u blve it or not,,,,,,AMIR_my frenz be PRESIDEN of Masakan ke ptot.....dh r laky dua org MANUSIA........KUIKUIKUI.....bTW...,,,,wans dh ciap asgmnt(bngga jp walaupun hakikat de lgi 7soalan cloned past year matrx xwt lg....),,,,wans wt r ASGMNT kt blog ny....hehehehehehe...nk cite sesuatu r.....kowg kn tw aq dh jd DC kt Dorm waras,,,,,alkisahnya cmny,,,,de penghuni dorm aq buang bnda tutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tp ttnggal dlm shower no.3,,,,,,,,aq bngang r sbb mnggu lpz buih mlut aq bg wrning sl bnda tutttttttttttttttttttt tu..........bnda lain kowg nk wt,,wt r t aq ling pntg yg,,,,,dengan bbekalkan LIMAU NIPIS (beli kt cfe,mhal gler....dh r bg yg rject je...20sen kowg msti de yg pkir,,,EH MAHAL KE??/SETAKAT 20SEN JE PN...),,,aq mle mmberi UGUTAN KERAS yg aq akn ttiskn limau nipis tu kt bnda ttuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttt tu.....biar tw rasa,,!!! bg tmpoh hngga 12mlm tp still xde jmpe aq...adkh aq ptot je wt????t aq plak kna gn felo......abiz jwtn aq.....huhuhu...prngai cm @@#@#$#$# BETUL LA!!!!!!!!!! so...kekwn wans yg islam tu(klau ase dri tu islam) jg r wt prgai cm 2..bruk t x....dari bnda tw kite tw prngai dy cmne......bwuk tkat mne...........mmpus r law dy dh khwin tp asyk wt bnda yg sama......dy xtw ke yg SYAITAN akan kerumun bnda dy tu???? pikir2 r....umur dh 18tahun....budak pndy,,,kalau xpndy,,,xmcok r matrix
Jumaat, 10 Jun 2011
pada hari ni,,,wans nk cite tntang..........
selamat malam wt readers yg tersayang......sorry sgt2 wans mmang xsmpat updte blog kerna kekangan wktu.....asyk trkejar2 gi kuliah,,balik dorm n etc..wans cti ary ny so,,,,tdo SEBENTAR tengahhari tadi.......sempat gk wat asgmnt n tutorial.....wans men-online-kan dri di Dewan Makan je...Mr.Lecturer baik hatixde selama 3,,,agk2 tiga mnggu gk wans xkn updte entry terbaru,,,,,sorry ye....tertunggu jag ble la Mr.Lecturer baik hati nak blek...klz bio bowink klau bkan dy yg mngjar.....cgu tbaru ny bowink...OMG!!!dh r bio my fvrte sbjct,,,,npe r Mr.Lecturer is too hectic now??? miss him r (as tchr,,not more than that...) pz2 dh r wans jmpe dax yg too ANNOYING+SENGAL dlm klz wans....huh..plez beb..!!crmin dri u dlu bwu aq....kowg pn lbih kurang jaaa...BUT!!fine,,,aq terima ur ADVICE untuk kbaikkandri aq sndri...i'm muslim.....scond day kna lgi..WAHHHHHH......too annoying larr kowg....ny dri aq n mmang sjak dri azali aq cmny......lmrah r...!!!aq tnggi,,,,msti r de kkurangan...xsume owg prfect either u!! so,,,don't gve cmmnt yg mngarut2.....bhnti sebelum aq mmbenci mu..!!dnt be ase dpt luahkn pe wans ase..lga teramat!!! cyez weyh wans ckp,,,,dh xsdar dkat sblum di KMKm.....ase cm bwu semalam dftr sbgai stdent,,,ase cm smlam ngis2 nk blik.......hahahaa..klkr btoi....mcm2 rgam wans jmpe.......ary ny de gtong ryong dlm DORM WARAS(as a DC,,,aq msti tnjuk cnth yg baik,,,so aq pn trun pdg smbil mmbebel n bri cramah...).....penat tpsronok coz time tu r dpt bknalan dgn penghuni dorm aq....t law ank buah aq hlang,,,n aq xtw cpe ,,,ssah gk kn......but,,,,ada sowg budak ny.......dia xblik smlm,,,n aq xtw pn cmpy petg di aq tw de pnghuni tido kt luar...aishhh...bikin hectic btoi..!!!!! ny nk sound ny..... tp xpe,,,,dy dh dpt kbnran felo tp aq xtw pn...klau hilang kna culik xmnyusahkan xpe,,,t lawwans yg kna,,,,cipa r dax tu..!!!!! aq BASUH ko ckup!!!!...mmm......ary kn ary jmaat,,so aq dgn rela hati(ikhlas ny) dgr cramah smbil wat MATH...tkot plak di DENDA lg seperti dulu oleh MR.Math yg strict!!!,,msih de lg xwt tp half of question ciap(rjin terlebih...)...ptg plak gi RONDA SATU KOLEJ MARA KULIM......fuhhh agk bsar r jgak cmpy ke court tnnis aq g...cmpy je c2,,,aq trgat npe abah ia-ia nk g KMKm,,,rupanya cgu burn ngajar di cny,,,,,sok mybe dyowg main tnnis together!!! ahh..abah ska sambil mnyelam minum air....huhuhuhu..lapar pizza hutt.....lapar hawaiian pizza...gluuurrrrrppppp!!!!!!!....hehehe......ptg td klakar r,,,,,disebabkan tlampau inginkan rmbutan,,Fairuz leyh plak TERGELINCIR msuk dlm childlike r...grw je FAIRUZ........mmm....kuar peluh tw..kurus wans...dh r semalam g tsco n betapa terkezut nyawans naik brat bdn walaupn naik bukit,,,turun bukit,,,naik tngga,,,trun tangga...aishhh...cmny ny???nk cpai trge 52kg tp xcpai2 gk...thnx too ALLAH coz i tnggi tw!!! so,,,,still nmpk krus.....mmm..k r ...wans nk smbung wt asgmnt math,,sorry ye....jmpe lg klau de masa,,,slam sjhtera wt bukan islam n assalamuailaikum wt yg islam....selamat malam!!!
Rabu, 8 Jun 2011
kuliah pada 8JUNE 2011
selamat petang wt si mata comel,,,readers(jka ada)...kuliah wans pada hari ni macam biasa,,,tp sedikit kepenatan r...,,,coz dri pgi td bjalan dh wt marathon je......bgon kali nie lambat ckit....hahahaha...wtpe bgon awl kalau blik air penuh seperti ******************(no words to mean it!),,bgon r kul 0615pg,,,kejut hann,,,capai towel n go to bath room!!!!(yeahhh)......dgn semangatnya taw!....then,,,pz solat di dorm(akibat bgon lmbt),,,wans n hann trun dgn wearing heel,,,,jln terkedek-kedek again(thats me)...lastly,,,smpai gk kt Ds...nk dijadikan cite,,,sepatutnya kelas di Dewan Kenanga(tw xkt ne???wans dh mention kn pada entry yg dlu..)....fuhhh...naik tangga turun tangga.....bleyh kering r cmny........pipi wans pn makin cengkung! mama,,,ank mama dh kurus buat masa sekarang!! bila je sampai bilik kuliah,,,tcher pn macok but not Ms.Kay..:( ...RPA-RUPANYA! silap klas!(once again!)...tchr kata your class is supposed to be at dewan Mawar..huahuahua! turan tangga...naik tangga lagi..penat btoi! nk dijdikan cite lgi,,,terserempak r dgn mamat senggal xtw dtg dri planet mne ntah kt dewan mawar...hahaha...teringat dendam yang lalu(actually,,,xbaik bdendam tw..)..tringat dlu prnah dy wt kt kteowh satu klaz M (m for marvellous...hehehe)....secara SENGAJANYA wans bersuara,,,perhatian klaz L,,,,your class is supposed to be at dewan kenanga...kahkahkahkah....serves your right men!...hahahaha....klas dgn Ms.Kay happening giler wans ckp!....tdi de discussion like MUET TEST in task B....Mr.Daniel (wakil marvellous),MRs.Blue girl, boy n Mrs.Green girl (wans xtw nma,,,jdi kta pnggil ikut clour bju yg dyowg pkai r...)wans nk cite bnyk tp tetiba je lack of,,,kalau de lgi cite...,,wans tulis r entry bru lg....nk pergi mngejar idea dulu...bye! salam sjhtera wt bkan islam n assalamuailaikum wt yg islam
Selasa, 7 Jun 2011
kuliah pada 7JUNE 2011
mmmm…..ble nk lntok ny……. Cpat r……mmmm…….6mnit…..xtido
lg……mmm…………..mkin bsar plak matanyaaaaa!!!!(tp still xleyh lwn Cik aina)
ptot r..tnggal bpe mnit je lagi nk abiz kuliah…huhuhuhuhu…wans xtw pe r wans bljr dri klaz Mrs.IT…..yg tw mlm ny cover back sub topic ny…bkak laptop,,search tntg information coding scheme…..easy right!!!!hahaha….,,,.abiz klaz Mrs.IT,,wans singgah sebentar ke dorm…aishhh!!! Dorm terkunci r…..dh r de appointment pnting gan Cik.Tnds,,so,,pergi mnumpang ke dorm yakin…..tup tup jam tunjuk kul 1020pg..ALAMAK!!! klaz Mr.Lecturer yg baik hati dh nk start..!!1hurry up hann!(sbnanrnya wans yg lmbt coz pkai HEEL,,so,,jln pn terkedek-kedek r..dh r bwa my beloved lptop..berat derr….)….luckly,,,2minute after kiteowg mcok,,Mr.Lecturer pn mcok…thnx god! Law x,,,kna wt surat tnjuk sbb r kt Mr.Lecturer t…siap kna cap gn ketua unit BIOLOGY…xsnggup!!hehehe…..ptg,,g mcok dewan mawar sbb de KOKO …xsgka abiz skula pn de KOKO lg….yg nk tergelaknyaaaaaaaaaaaa J cara pelajar Matrikulasi hndle mesyuarat plantikan tdi…weyh!! Kowg ingt ny skula ke??? Pilih org yg leyh hidupkn kelab,,,bukannya pilih muka yg nmpk baik je…adoi! ;) pening btoi…cm xde pnglaman je nk cnduct meeting bikin malu jaaaaaaaaaa……!!!! Weyh,,,wans rasa cm cilap je bg nama untuk jd ahli SPR untuk pilihan raya MPP t…sbb wans pn teringin nk jdi DI ANTARA CALON2 MPP…..hahaha…tp xpe,,,disbbkan tkut xdpt undi n akhirnyaaaaaaa wans kalah truk,,,baik wans masuk SPR …ciap jadi TIMBALAN PENGERUSI SPR lgi…hahahaha…sorry wat readers,,,,,ny blog wans ,,,so suke aty wans nk menulis apa tentang my feeling…law xske silap out from this page instantly!!! Xbaik kutuk2 kalau xske…kalau wans xampun cmne?? Ha ?,,,jgn bikin kcoh k…..ok r readers n si mata comel,,,,wans tulisentry cmpy cny je…dh r wifi Mr.Lecturer baik hati xdpt trace….switch off kot…tp xpe..mybe next time….lgpn asgmnt bnyk gler……bye2….salam wt semua…
Isnin, 6 Jun 2011
real life of international celebrity....
Real-Life Celebrity Couples Starring in Upcoming Movies
By Aida Ekberg, Yahoo! Contributor Network - June 2, 2011 6:45 PM PDTContribute content like this. Start here.
Zoe Kravitz and Michael Fassbender in "X-Men: First Class"
This cute couple could someday reign as one of the most powerful pairs in Hollywood if their careers continue to go strong after their June 3 superhero movie, a sure-to-be-summer-blockbuster. The two were recently spotted holding hands and grabbing some lunch together in NYC, with 34-year-old Michael rocking some surprisingly lightened locks and 22-year-old Zoe sporting a rather shapeless frock (they still looked good together). In their movie Fassbender, whose recent movies include "Inglourious Basterds" and "Jonah Hex," will be playing young mutant Magneto, who is first a friend then a foe of Professor X and the X-Men. And Kravitz' career will probably really take off after she literally takes off a few times in the film -- the daughter of actress Lisa Bonet and rocker Lenny Kravitz will be playing Angel, a winged mutant with the ability to fly. As an interesting side note, rising star Zoe and her famous father have a costar in common -- Jennifer Lawrence, who plays blue mutant Mystique in the movie, will star as Katniss alongside Lenny as Cinna in "The Hunger Games" (wonder what Zoe's budding fellow thespian/father thinks of her much-older superhero beau?).
Taylor Lautner and Lily Collins in "Abduction"
Lily is another rock star daughter on the rise. Phil Collins' adorable offspring recently won the coveted role of Snow White in one of the two upcoming projects about the princess, but she's snagged an even bigger prize in "Abduction" costar Lautner. The two have reportedly been dating since working on the film together, with "Twilight" star Taylor even flying his alleged girlfriend back home with him in February (Lily was also rumored to be sneaking onto the set of "Breaking Dawn"). Skeptics hopeful that Lautner is still a single man can critique the couple's chemistry on September 23 in "Abduction," in which Taylor plays a teen who realizes that he was abducted as a child. To escape the couple he once considered his parents, he must go on the lam while FBI agents try to uncover the truth of his mysterious past. So with adventure, mystery, and romance, Taylor's attempt to leave "Twilight' behind sounds pretty promising.
Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz in "Dream House"
After Rachel split from her "Black Swan" director hubby Darren Aronofsky in November of last year, rumors of an affair with her "Dream House" costar and long time friend Craig were fast to follow. After a few months of laying low (other than a holiday slip-up where the two were photographed holding hands), it now it seems that Daniel and Rachel are ready to go public with their relationship -- back in March they were spotted celebrating Weisz' 41st birthday together with a romantic meal at a Hollywood restaurant. Weisz will be playing his wife in "Dream House," a thriller about a family that moves into a home where a violent murder took place, potentially putting their own lives in danger. Those hoping that Bond will finally settle down can see if he and Weisz make a good married couple on September 30.
Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux in "Wanderlust"
It's almost impossible to keep up with all the Aniston dating rumors. Last summer her rep was denying that the actress was dating her "Horrible Bosses" costar Jason Sudeikis, and earlier this month her rep said the actress is just friends with "Wanderlust" costar Theroux. However, rumors persist about the most current Justin in Jen's life -- after the denial, reports surfaced that the two have been spending time together for months and that they even spent a weekend together at Jen's home recently. Whatever the case, the two can be seen together in the upcoming comedy "Wanderlust," Jen's other raunchy movie being released this year (there's even the possibility that she'll go topless in it). However, the two won't be playing a couple in the November 22 movie -- instead Jennifer will be married to Paul Rudd's character, with the unhappy couple inadvertently ending up spending their vacation in a free-wheeling commune full of sex and drugs. And if things don't work out with Theroux, perhaps Jen should consider dating another "Wanderlust" costar -- beautiful blonde Malin Akerman has admitted that she's got a bit of a girl crush on Aniston, saying of the actress, "She is every guy's dream." Now if only one of her many rumored beaus would admit the same.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in "Breaking Dawn"
Like Lautner, Pattinson is wooing a princess of his own -- Stewart is the Snow White that Collins will be competing with in their similar upcoming fairytale projects. Dating doubters got a little more evidence that Rob and Kristen are indeed a couple in April when they were captured on camera kissing, and their fans have a lot more romance to look forward to as the couple's onscreen characters get married and go on their honeymoon in "Breaking Dawn" on November 18. But can the couple last when their "Twilight" saga days are over and they've moved on to other projects? Pattinson (who has previously romanced Reese Witherspoon and Emilie de Ravin onscreen) looks like he's got great chemistry with his movie wife Sarah Gadon in the upcoming film "Cosmopolis," while Stewart's "On the Road" costar Garrett Hedlund has called her "amazing" and "phenomenal." So with such amazing new costars of their own, hopefully Robsten can avoid feeling tempted as they move on from the movies that started it all to work on separate films.
So from rock star daughters dating some of Hollywood's hottest hunks to the couples that keep us guessing, which real-life pair set to share the silver screen together is your favorite?
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Award for 6june 2011 for rob-pattz
Robert Pattinson sinks teeth into MTV Movie Awards
Associated Press - June 6, 2011 4:08 AM PDT"Twilight" star Robert Pattinson sucked up the spotlight — and some popcorn-shaped trophies — at Sunday's shenanigan-packed ceremony. Among the goofy actor's moments: winning three different awards, unexpectedly kissing co-star Taylor Lautner, and slipping the F-word past censors when presenting Reese Witherspoon with the special MTV Generation Award.
"It's not always a bad thing to have sexual chemistry with your mother," joked Pattinson, who played the son of Witherspoon's character in "Vanity Fair" and her love interest in "Water for Elephants."
For his role as vampire Edward Cullen in "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," Pattinson won best male performance, best fight with Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel, and best kiss with Kristen Stewart. Instead of smooching each other, Pattinson declared he didn't "feel like kissing" Stewart before he descended back into the audience and planted his lips on Lautner.
Team Jacob also earned some love from "Saturday Night Live" star Jason Sudeikis, the show's host, who kicked off the silly ceremony at the Gibson Amphitheater by starring in his own version of "The Hangover" in which he went in search of a lost Lautner. The other "Twilight" winners were Stewart for best female performance and "Eclipse" for best movie.
"Natalie, sorry, but the popcorn is mine," Stewart said mockingly, referencing fellow nominee Natalie Portman, who won the best actress Oscar earlier this year for "Black Swan."
It was the third straight year that "Twilight" eclipsed the competition with the most wins at the fan-favorite ceremony. Last year, "New Moon," the second installment of the "Twilight" film franchise, also earned awards for best movie, best kiss, best female performance and best male performance.
"The fact that we're standing up here is a testament to all the hard work that went into 'Eclipse,'" Lautner said.
The non-vampire winners who picked up awards Sunday included Emma Stone for best comedic performance for "Easy A," Justin Bieber for best jaw dropping moment for "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never," Alexys Nycole Sanchez for best line for "Grown Ups," and Tom Felton for best villain for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1."
"This will look very nice in my downstairs toilet," Felton said of his trophy. "Thank you."
The ceremony was filled with several awkward moments. Sudeikis spent most of his opening monologue cracking jokes about the revelations that Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a housekeeper. He also poked fun at singer-actress Selena Gomez, who embarrassingly hid her face from the cameras as he scolded her for kissing fellow teen sensation Bieber and swallowing "three of his baby teeth." Later, Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake cupped each other's genitals while presenting Pattinson with the best male performance trophy.
"I really didn't think I was going to win," Pattinson said during his acceptance speech. "Zac Efron was crying and stuff in that little clip."
The show also served as a promotional platform for Hollywood studios' upcoming films as much as it did as an awards ceremony. Emma Watson, J.J. Abrams, Steven Spielberg and Elle Fanning were among the celebrities on hand to present sneak peeks at "Super 8," "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" and "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part One."
Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Nab Third Consecutive 'Best Kiss' Win At MTV Movie Awards - But Did They Actually Pucker Up This Time?
Access Hollywood - June 6, 2011 2:44 AM PDTKristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson onstage during the 2011 MTV Movie Awards at Universal Studios' Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, Calif., on June 5, 2011Getty ImagesAccess Hollywood
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Fans must really enjoy watching Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart pucker up.The adorable duo nabbed the fan-voted "Best Kiss" award (for their on-screen "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" liplock) at the 2011 MTV Movie Awards on Sunday for the third year in a row - beating out Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe's "Harry Potter" kiss, as well as Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis' steamy "Black Swan" makeout session.
PLAY IT NOW: Jason Sudeikis Gets Ready To Host The 2011 MTV Movie Awards
"I feel bad, because I don't feel like kissing you," R-Pattz told Kristen as they accepted their golden popcorn. "You don't want to kiss me, do you?"
"It's been a long time - I think maybe we should finally go for it," Kristen replied as the audience went wild.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: 2011 MTV Movie Awards: Red Carpet Arrivals
However, the anti-PDA pair - who famously leaned in for a kiss before quickly backing away during their 2009 "Best Kiss" acceptance speech -- tricked the fans once again.
"There's someone else in the audience who would appreciate it a little more," Robert said, as he ran down the stage steps into the audience.
The 25-year-old hunk climbed over audience members until he reached his "Twilight Saga" co-star, Taylor Lautner, and proceeded to plant a kiss on Taylor's forehead, before running back onto the stage and attempting to grab Kristen -- who quickly pushed him away.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Access Top 10: Most Memorable MTV Movie Award Moments
"What? I want to take you backstage!" Robert exclaimed, as he led his gorgeous co-star behind the curtains to the delight of the cheering crowd.
Ahad, 5 Jun 2011
denda pertama di KOLEJ MARA KULIM
selamat malam buat simata comeyl n readers yg wans sayangi semua.....kuliah pada minggu pertama di hari ahad yang pertama buat bulan JUNE....kuliah seperti biasa walaupun hati berasa gundah-gulana(asgmnt xciap)...tunggu di dewan mawar dgn smangatnya study bio(fvrte),,,terkjut dgn berita KULIAH BERTUKAR TEMPAT....huahua...!!!pnatnya berjalan ke dewan kenanga....naik tangga,,,turun tangga,,naik tangga sampai..!!!penat tapi berbaloi2...dimulakan dgn kuliah bio with Mr.Lecturer yg baik hati...seronok tanpa dikuasai rasa mengantuk langsung!!tnpa sedar,,,kelas MATH bermula,,,MR.Math masuk,,,dengan snyuman penuh bermakna,,,,menanya pada students,,"KERJA YG SAYA BAGI DAH SIAP???" wans terpingga...alamk sudah...xciap langsung...jgn r blaku pape,,but blaku jga sesi denda untuk kebaikkan students,, just KETUK KETAMPI(bgus untuk ksihatan,,,cape xpnah wt disarankan buat,,,cnfrm kurus!!)..lepas tu insaf terus!!! membuat asgmnt MATH dahulu,,ketepikan yg lain..dah siap baru buat asgmnt CHMST yg MRS.CHMST bgi td n last week(SORRY MRS.CHMST,,,wans bkan lpe tp leka bila ada kt rumah...bdak homesick katakan)....hehhe....bljar SC Cmpter cm biasa walaupun tangan duk gtal mncari wifi(hampeh,,,xde pn..kt bgunan akademik je pn..)tp brsyukur r sbb KMKm still bgi wifi free....THNX KMKm..!!!LOve u...pastu mcok klas MsKay yg happening,,hilang terus ase mngntok...hehehe...skunk,,mata di lptop,,tgn menulis,,,sblah de asgmnt perlu,,wans undur dri k..bye2
Sabtu, 4 Jun 2011
suasana bgelar pelajar kolej mara kulim
hehe...btemu kembali...skunk wans futher my study at kolej mara kulim...yup!! kolej marakulim...hahaha...UPNM x mnerima wans sbgai studnt dyowg...enggak mngapa.....taon dpn de lgi.....kat 2mngu di cni still HOME SICK..!!! hua!!!! nak balik tp xmw x nk stdy mne lgi..huhuhu...U pn xmw trima wans ,,,tp xpe...kolej mara nk jgak...hehe...wans plih modul 3 coz i want to be a doctor !!!haha...but its quite hard to stdy!!! lctre cpat cgt mgajar..kekdg je dpt (coz i slalu TERTIDUR)hahaha.....luckly i got dorm cme gn my best frenz,SHEYHAN...hahaha.....the good news is i be a DORM CAPTAIN...hahaha...bnyk kje gk tw,,pnat gk jd i gtal jugak bgi nama untk jd ahli SPR untuk MAJLIS PERWAKILAN PELAJAR 2011/2012...hahaha...untuk mrasai suasana plihnrya disamping untuk SIJIL....:)....n the news story is i be TIMBALAN PENGERUSI SPR(just timbalan je...cgu tnye cpe sukarela,,,msti r wans nk..hahaha...) but its okay......16 JUNE bru pilihnrya,,so msti bnyk tgas,,,jd mlm ny brtungkus lumus mmbuat asgmnt yg tertngguh....ok r...bnyk asgmt nk kna bgi ciap....good nyte sume...!!!
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