Jumaat, 12 Ogos 2011

iluminati...ada yg xsedar..sya baru sedar....

assalam wt semua...wah2....wans mkin rjin plak nk mnulis......x...wans cme nk kongsi kn satu bnda yg kita xsdar lgsung apa itu...ILUMINATI...yupe! thats it.....kta xdar...BENAR KITA MEMANG XSEDAR.... 

tgok gmbr dahulu....bwu kita akan explain it.................

kowg xphm kn...xpe...ny de lg....

dh phm??

biar aku terangkan ape maksud "novus ordo seclorum" dan "annuet aceptis" .ini adalah bermaksud untuk pembulatan dunia atau pun dunia akan dikawal 100% oleh freemason .mereka melakukan satu agenda iaitu"New World Order" dan kebanyakkan pemimpin-pemimpin dunia skrg adalah di bawah agenda ni .termasuk atuk bush sndr ,Prescott Bush .dan simbol pkr juga boleh disamakan dengan One-eyed God Horus ataupun dikenali "Tuhan Matahari" yang disembah sejak zaman Predynastichingga Zaman Greece-Roman

kenapa ade gambar george washington boleh disamakan dengan imejbaphomet nih .ini sbnrnya adalah patung george washington yang ditempah khas dari Italy .semasa  patung ini dituunkan dari kapal ,sume yg berada di situ sgt2 terkejut .patung ini diukir dengan persamaan rupa dan gaya baphomet seperti disebelah adalah kerana george washington adalah presiden amerika yang pertama menjadi ahli freemason ini .x heran la klu patung dia diukir sebegini sbb anda sume da tau latarbelakang beliau .

Illuminati yang ada sekarang ini diasaskan oleh Jesuits/Vatican.Ignatius Loyolaasalnya adalah dari kumpulan alumbrados(the illuminated). Perkataan ini sebenarnya berasal daripada illumination atau enlightment.

.. .k ...nk tahu lg,,,g search..cntohnya http://xazryx.blogspot.com/2010/06/freemasonilluminati-di-malaysia-jgn.html

bengang dgn AVG......

assalam semua..hahahaha..wans kembali tulis entry baru selepas hmapir sebulan tak MEMUNTAHKAN IDEA kt blog ny...hhaahaha....skdar nk meluahkan rasa terbuku dalam hati,,,wans tgh bngang kt AVG lappy wans...ary tu wans dh updte lsen dy,,tp tetibe plak dy mati sbb expired...adoi3.......ny dok tgh dwld bwu la ny...bngang btul smpai ingt nk beralih ke AVIRA plak...law AVIRA t wt hal cm AVG,,,wans nk pky KAPERSKY...PUAS HATI.!! ny jnji manis AVG kt wans

Download AVG's award-winning protection for FREE!

Ready for worry-free surfing, searching, shopping, banking and socializing? Then download AVG Internet Security 2011 and stay protected for 30 days.You'll be able to:
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ny plak jnji manis AVIRA
Avira's AntiVir has been a player in the security world for some time; however, in 2008 its status boomed because of its remarkably strong detection rates. It still remains near the top of independent antivirus efficacy tests, but while the 2009 version more or less kept pace with the competition, the 2010 edition isn't quite as good as it could be.
Both longtime and new users alike will note the pop-up ad that appears whenever a program update is downloading; it has been the unaddressed focus of critical and user dislike for several years. While the occasional ad that interferes with a user's work flow used to be considered tolerable for effective free security, that's no longer the case. Avira's lack of a silent-running entertainment-gaming mode is also noticeable, since so many free and paid competitors now offer the mode.
Except for the most cosmetic of changes, the app's interface is unchanged from version 8. There are new icons on the program's toolbar, a new static image background, and that's about it. The main window offers a left-side navigation menu with drop-down menus and a central pane to see more detailed information. AntiVir opens to the Status menu, informing you of your last scan, your last definition file update, whether the real-time guard is active; however, Avira removed the premium upgrade link in this version. The Events screen logs changes to the program and the Reports tab keeps a history of threats--information from both sections can be exported.
New features are a bit thin in the free version of Avira 10, too. A new generic-repair mode really just takes the choice out of how Avira tells you about the threats it has discovered. In version 9, you could be informed about them in the middle of a scan or at the end; however, now only the latter is available. Windows 7 users now have the capability to run a scan as an administrator directly from the interface, which is a smart, but minor improvement. Avira's installation sequence has been revamped, and now only takes users through five windows. Theoretically, this means it's a five-click installation, but new users will have to complete the registration form. However, its installation file unpacking process appears faster, and you no longer have to reboot after the install.
This isn't to say that AntiVir Free 10 isn't stuffed with robust features. The program offers a wide selection of scan customization, letting users fully scan both internal and external hard drives, run a preloaded scan--for rootkits, for example--or customize a scan. On a real-world computer, the full scan took about 1 hour and 12 minutes, which is average. Avira includes antispyware protections, scanning tech that can crack open "locked" files, improved internal security to prevent AntiVir's files from being maliciously altered, and one-click threat removal--baby-sitting was taken out in the last version.
The Local Protection and Administration navigation options reveal the Scanner, Guard, Quarantine, and Scheduler features. Combined with the Configuration button located at the top of the central pane, users can customize scans as necessary. When Avira quarantines a file, its information is on display along with options to scan it again, restore, delete, and e-mail the file to Avira. The apps rebuilt heuristic engine retains the same choices from the previous version had, and it can be turned on or off in part or in full and offers three intensity levels. Not counting the lively user forums, Avira's included help features are good for a free antivirus app, with mouse-over information on each feature. The scheduler, once a major Avira selling point because it was light-years ahead of other free security suites, has now been caught up to by its competitors.
AntiVir 10 doesn't require a special uninstallation tool, unlike many competitors do. In the end, Avira's free suite makes for an excellent backup suite, but its competitors have since caught up with or surpassed what it can do.
This review will be updated with CNET Labs benchmarks and third-party efficacy scores as they become available.

panjang gler k dy pnye jnji manis...wans pn xsnggup bce bnyk.....pening3

Khamis, 11 Ogos 2011

astaghfirullah......PERHATIAN WT WARGA BLOGGER!!!

my frenz telah menulis mengenai kelicikkan owg yahudi...xku sngka x ku duga...licik betul mereka!!,
1. cuba anda buka mane-mane blog kawan anda....
contoh : aaaaa.blogspot.com
2. kemudian, buka semula blog kawan anda itu, tapi dengan membuang huruf 's' pada perkataan blogspot
contoh : aaaa.blogpot.com

Apa yang terjadi?
Licik betul mereka ni....
Lepas tu,,,wans pun bukak r n terpampang la ini....................................................



     To the best of my memory, before I came to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I did not believe the Bible was true. I doubted whether God, Satan, heaven, or hell even existed.
     One evening, my wife and I heard some documentation that these were the last days before Jesus Christ would return. I almost walked out. Something kept me there, but I was not convinced. I decided to do some research to find out if the Bible was true. If I could find one contradiction or anything that was not true, then I could disregard it. I believed this would be easy. I learned nearly one–third of the Bible is, directly or indirectly, related to prophecy, which includes about 10,000 prophecies. I realized that I needed to determine when the Bible was actually written. A study of biblical history, translations, and archaeology was needed. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which were found in Israel, contained Old Testament prophecies of the coming of Jesus. It has been proven that these were written before Christ came. Thousands of clay tablets and archaeological sites also confirm many accounts in the Bible.
     I took time off and began studying the prophecies. My wife spent much time at the library. She obtained documentation from reference books, which I would check against the Scriptures to see if the prophecies took place. One week went by and then a month. Every prophecy that we were able to get information on proved to be accurate. I was astonished, but not convinced. Later, people would show me what appeared to be mistakes in the Bible. Turned out these were not contradictions, but only a lack of research, or a printer made an error. Stubborn, that’s me.

     After four months of intensive study, authenticating prophecy after prophecy, I was still skeptical. Four months turned into six. I became more determined.

     It wasn’t possible that the sixty–six books of the Bible, written by many people over hundreds of years, would not have some errors. Thousands of prophecies and every one perfect? No, impossible! If I would admit that, then I would have to admit there was a God. I was not prepared to do that—yet, I wanted to know the truth. More months passed. Finally, I admitted after almost countless hours of research—I was wrong. I may have been the biggest skeptic in the world, but now I know—the Bible is true and is the Word of God. Anyone willing to take the time I did and do the same research could only come to the same conclusion, if they are honest with themselves. Regretfully, some people have their own agenda and will never admit the truth. I became afraid that I would perish.
     I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, as a result of His love, compassion, mercy and grace, and was baptized by immersion. I know that there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we MUST be saved–ref Acts 4:12. I REPENTED and received Christ as my only hope of salvation by FAITH–ref Eph 2:8–10. EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED, AND BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN, YE SHALL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN–Mt 18:3. You can also call on Jesus NOW to be YOUR Lord and Savior.


     According to the Bible, first Israel had to be reborn, which reveals we had entered the latter years of the last days. This happened May 14, 1948. Then app. 365 prophecies would be fulfilled within that generation. Note, are there now increases in globalization, technology, communications, unusual weather patterns, tsunamis, alternate lifestyles, economic problems, false prophets, bombs 2500 times bigger than used in WW2 and violence, Middle East unrest and the Israeli–Palestinian situation—just as the Bible predicted? ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God. NO PROPHECY of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. 364 now fulfilled.
If you do, please e–mail us.

Proof The Bible Is True
The Soon Coming Climax

     Will strange weather patterns begin to happen and increase? Yes.
     Will earthquakes, wind storms, and even tidal waves increase? Yes.
     Will alternate lifestyles increase and become acceptable? Yes.
     Will false prophets arise and deceive many? Yes.
     Will there be a one–world system or global economy? Yes.
     Will Russia, Iran, and some Arab nations invade Israel, and the USA become involved? Yes.
     Will all these things and many more begin happening “afterthe rebirth of Israel as a nation? Yes.
     Were these things happening 75, or 100 years ago? No.
     Jesus said in Lk 12:54–57: When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?
     You may see a sign that says—THE BRIDGE IS OUT, and say, “Oh, someone is just trying to scare us.” The sign was meant to warn people of impending danger. God wants you to know, WHEN YOU SEE (the prophecies from the Bible), COME TO PASS, KNOW YE THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NIGH AT HAND–ref Lk 21:31.


     People have said the end was near many times—true. However, no prophecy of the latter days meant anything until Israel became a nation again? God’s Word indicates a generation would not pass from Israel’s rebirth, until all be fulfilled (which includes the Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon, and Christ’s return). A generation can be 70+ years–Ps 90:10. Israel was reborn May 14, 1948. In addition, there would be over 360 prophecies that would come together after Israel’s rebirth. By Israel’s rebirth and the 360+ signs, we would know that the events of the Rapture, Tribulation, and return of Jesus were close.
     Many have been preaching about the latter days (of the end times) in churches, on radio, TV, the Internet, books and magazines. Some include Billy Graham, Hal Lindsey, John Hagee, Charles Stanley, Jack Van Impe, Peter Lalonde, Tim LaHaye and Ed Hindson. Those that love God understand these things. For those that practice sin, no explanation is possible–ref Dan 12:4, 10; Mt 24:37, 39.
     It has been said that it is impossible for anyone to make 11 straight predictions, 2000 years into the future. There is only one chance in 8 x 10 to the 63rd power, or 80 with 63 zeros after it that such a thing could be done. If such a set of predictions existed, it would have to be the Word of God.
     Could you write eleven straight predictions that would take place in the year 4000 A.D.? Include the rebirth of a specific nation. Include countries that would exist, nations that would be allied together, and the exact size of a nation’s army. Include what the people and church would be like and the names of actual cities that would exist. The Bible not only does this eleven times, but hundreds of times. If this is so, even the most skeptical person (that is truthful) would have to agree that there is indeed a God and the Bible is His Word. 2 Pe 1:20,21–KNOWING THIS FIRST, THAT NO PROPHECY OF THE SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION. FOR THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME BY THE WILL OF MAN: BUT HOLY MEN OF GOD SPAKE AS THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST. O FOOLS, AND SLOW OF HEART TO BELIEVE ALL THAT THE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN–Lk 24:25. However, believing there is a God and acknowledging the Bible is His Word does not save a person. Let’s prove the Bible is true and we are nearing the end of the last generation before Christ returns.
     1. The Jewish people would be scattered worldwide; yet Israel would become a nation again after a long time and at a time the Bible calls the “latter days”–ref Isa 66:8; Mic 5:3; Ezek 38:8. Against what appeared to be impossible odds, this prophecy has been fulfilled. It happened on May 14, 1948 after about 2500 years. That’s 1 out of 1. Israel was destroyed in approximately 721 B.C. and Judah about 135 years later. The rebirth of Israel was the key sign, indicating we had entered a time period called the “latter days” of the end times. It was the beginning of a countdown leading to the Tribulation and culminating with the Battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus.

     2. Israel shall be brought forth in one day, at once–ref Isa 66:8. Prophecy fulfilled–May 14, 1948. On Nov. 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the U.N. approved a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. On the morning of May 14, 1948 (the last day of the British mandate), a meeting of the People’s Council took place in Israel to decide on the name and finalize the declaration. At precisely 4 PM, the proclamation ceremony began at the Tel Aviv museum. The 979 Hebrew words of the Scroll of Independence were read. All stood, and the scroll was adopted. The notorious White Paper, issued by the British in 1930 restricting Jewish immigration, was declared null and void. The People’s Council signed the proclamation. David Ben–Gurion rapped his gavel, declaring, “The State of Israel is established. This meeting is ended.” In one day, at once, as predicted—Israel was reborn. President Truman was swift in announcing U.S. recognition of Israel. The following morning, Israel was under attack by the Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, and Iraqi forces.

     3. Israel would be brought forth (or reborn) “out of the nations.” The “United Nations” approved a resolution for a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel’s land had been occupied by many nations. Israel was “brought forth out of the nations.”

     4. Israel must regain the city of Jerusalem–Joel 2:32; Isa 28:14; Ezek 22:19. This happened in 1967. That’s 4 out of 4. By Israel’s rebirth and a precise line of events that come together, we understand the times. We are not setting a date; but, it seems clear that we are in the generation of the Rapture and Tribulation that will come and catch most by surprise.

     5. The 7th church age, which is the last one, before the Rapture, would be lukewarm, neither cold nor hot for Jesus. God will spew them out. The Bible tells us—you have acquired wealth, but your condition is wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, and you don’t know it–Rev 3:14–22. Most use little Scripture and lots of stories. Most know more about their preacher than of Jesus. Many do not teach on the Revelation, sin, repentance, obedience, judgment, hell, fearing God, and baptism by immersion; yet God’s Word tells them to do so. Many sing a lot. Some are socializing centers that teach what their members want to hear. When you go to church—is your Bible left at home?

     The Bible gives app. 119 descriptions of what people would be like at the time of the end. These fit the people of today perfectly, but not the previous generation.
     6. Some would depart from the faith and go into devil worship–1 Tim 4:1. This is perfect. That is 6 out of 6.
     7. People would mock about these days and not believe, just as people mocked about the flood coming–2 Pe 3:3; Jude 18. Are you one of them?
     8. People would be lovers of themselves–2 Tim 3:1,2. Remember the TV commercials—"I do it for me"? Are people self–centered today?
     9. People would be disobeying their parents–2 Tim 3:1,2.
     10. People would be grateful for nothing–2 Tim 3:1,2.
     11. What we call alternate lifestyles would increase and prosper–Lk 17:28,30; ref Gen 19:5; Ro 1:24,26,27.
     12. People would be without self–control in sex–2 Tim 3:1,2,6; Rev 9:21; Lk 17:28,30; Jude 7.
     13. People would love pleasures more than God–2 Tim 3:1,2,4. Picnics, football, or sleep come first. Church?—we can go later. Our American motto "In God we trust" has become a joke.
     14. People would be taking drugs–Rev 9:21. The Greek word for sorceries, in Rev 9:21, means pharmaceuticals or drugs. God’s Word is 100% right on every one. That’s 14 out of 14. Fifty years ago, many people didn’t lock their doors. There was little or no profanity on television, radio, or in the movies. Gum chewing was a main issue in public schools. Now it’s stealing, murder, weapons, bullies, suicide, drugs, and sex. This is the latter days. It’s going to get worse.

     15. There would be something that would enable people all over the world to see events as they happen. The hand–held devices that many use today, along with television and the Internet fulfill this prophecy–ref Rev 11:9,10. How could the Bible have foreseen such things?

     16. There would be weapons that could destroy the world–Mk 13:20; Rev 6:8; Rev 9:18; Zech 14:8,12. This prophecy was written in the days of swords, spears and arrows. It is estimated that the nuclear arsenals of the USA and Russia (as of 2011) could kill every living thing on earth 6 times over. Did you know that Russia tested a bomb that is 2500 times more powerful than the ones dropped on Japan?

     17. The Gospel must be published worldwide–Mk 13:10. This was written when there was no printing press. To our knowledge, the Gospel is (or is about to be) published in the primary language of every nation or “among all nations.”

     18. In the “latter days,” when Israel was again a nation, there would be a great military power to its extreme north in the land of Magog (which is modern–day Russia)–Ezek 38:2–4,8,15,16. Incredible! How could the Bible have foretold the location of a nation, facts about its military, and the time period it would happen? Lk 24:25–O FOOLS, AND SLOW OF HEART TO BELIEVE ALL THAT THE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN.

     19. There would be a nation to the far east of Israel, to the end of the earth. It would have an army of 200 million. How could the Bible foretell the location of a nation and the size of its army nearly 2000 years ago? China has boasted that it could field an army of this exact figure.

     20. A key prophecy. There would be an economic alliance of the nations of the Old Roman Empire. This is a description of the European Union today (the EU). It has adopted a one–currency system for many of its nations. It is written, IN THE DAYS OF THESE KINGS (these nations, which is now) SHALL THE GOD OF HEAVEN SET UP A KINGDOM–Dan 2:44. That’s 20 out of 20. We have gone past the point that seemed impossible—not 11 perfect predictions, but 20, made thousands of years ago. With God, nothing is impossible. Even the biggest skeptic should see the Bible is true, if they are honest. God exists. We are near the biblical event we call the rapture.

     There is no chance a human being could write these. The Bible is the Word of God, as these prophecies prove. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent and be baptized by full immersion. Read and obey the Gospel. God loves you. Mt 16:26–WHAT IS A MAN PROFITED, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? OR WHAT SHALL A MAN GIVE IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS SOUL? There are actually 365 prophecies regarding these latter days leading to the coming of the Antichrist and beginning of the tribulation. Since Israel’s rebirth (1948), 364 have come to pass, and #365 is happening as this is being written. Because of a lack of space, only 20 have been listed. As thousands of Biblical prophecies have come to pass in their time, so shall those that lie ahead also be fulfilled. In Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and some epistles, the Christian is commanded to know or understand the times we are in.


     RAPTURE (the biblical term is “caught up” or “translation”) is a term used to describe the removal from the earth of all living people that are born–again, as evidenced by their love and obedience to God’s Word. Just prior to the Tribulation, the Rapture takes place. The Revelation portrays the raptured saints in heavenbefore the throne of God, prior to the Antichrist coming. 1 Cor 15:51,52–“We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound”; 1 Thes 4:16,17–“and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be “caught up” together with them in the clouds.” The trumpet sounds. Then born again Christians will be with Jesus. All others will face the dreadful Tribulation.


     THE TRIBULATION is the worst time in history since man has existed. Immediately following the Rapture, the man of sin (called Antichrist) comes forth and assumes control of the EU. He can be expected to be charismatic and brilliant. He confirms a treaty with Israel and others, which begins the Tribulation. Under his control, the global economy will prosper.