Ahad, 30 September 2012

saya.... suka SELCA ...

ASSALAMUALAIKUM kepada readers yg de mta comel tu... hehe.. SAYA SUKA SELCA.... pelik je

kn .. hahaha.. tapi tu r hakikat dia... sya suka bgmbar dgn hnya mngunakan camera sendiri atau kawan yang

 rapat sahaja... saja r nk bajet famous ni...  and sya suka edit kasi effect sikit.. bloom... backlight ke.. potra..

velvia ke... ltak yg high je.. hahaha.. ok.. gurau je...ok... check this out..

macam2 aksi kan.. tu r... kadang2 saya bgambar terus bila de mood.. xkira r tgh jalan ke.. minum ke.. otw

nk ke makmal ke.. tgh pilih barang kt mall ke... janji guna camera saya... hahaha.. ok.. kbye!! nanti wans

tulis entry pasal photographer JOHAN ARIFF since semalam saya pergi photo talk beliau malam


Ahad, 23 September 2012

hahaha.. nothing going right with me

All SM Artists have safely arrived at Incheon Airport 8 hour 20 minutes ago. Welcome back to Korea! ♥

but still,, i will miss u baekhyun and D.O...

i have all of that... (knock my head)
but when i scroll this at fb,, i saw this... and automatically,, smilling   

The DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again :
i didnt really saw how Luhan,Sehun and Chanyeol's performed bcz im too focused with D.O lol..Sehun came to infront of me to waving and smile to us then D.O came while singing, stopped infront of me,i called him,he saw me,waved and bended a little asking us to jumped then smiling super sweet and cute to the front fans...lol..i might dead bcz of that,he's soo cuteee and his smile was sfghjkgfhjkl..he joined at the center kneeling with Luhan and shake-hand with him,managed to gave a V-sign a bit ♥

Dance Battle :
Kai came out first with Taemin and Eunhyuk,i really knew now why they're the dancing machines,i still couldn't describe how cool they area.
Victoria and Tao showed their ability after,Vic showed his flexibility and Tao with his wushu. Tao was out too early before hahaha so he back to the backstage in hurry after realized it.
after them was Yoona,Hyoyeon and Yuri's turn. and Yunho after.
while Yunho performing, the performer earlier joined him.to the center stage at the front included Kai and Tao. and sshhhh*** kim jongin i might pregnant watching you dancing >_<.

i called Kai when he'll back,he turned to me then i pointed to my KaiSoo banner,and...he smirked. URGH. my life ruiner. he's God-like okay,super handsome,with his cool and sexy expression.

(to be continued)

Can EXO endorse everything in this world? lol. XD

- They look good in sunglasses

- They have awesome sense in fashion *well at least kris and tao does*

- They look good without clothes

- They look good just sitting in a car

- They look good just standing there

- They look good showing off their briefs

- They look good wearing school uniforms

- They look good with powers

- They look good with flowers

- They look good with awards


So can they endorse everything? lol.


(C) seyeonhyunkrissica

kyeopta D.O

cr to the owner of this pic

Almost EXO members introduced themselves in Indonesian with "selamat malam,nama saya...." or "good night everyone my name is.."
D.O added "Indonesia bagus sekali or Indonesia is cool!"
then Suho added in Korean if this is their first time to came Indonesia (for K) and they're so happy bcz finally be able.to meet the Indonesian fans and asked us to keep supporting them.

While introduced himself,Luhan was a bit stuttering,maybe he's nervous to talk in Indonesian,but ended it cutely

Sehun...he's cheating lol..he wrote something on his hand,Chanyeol smack his shoulder and they giggled

Chanyeol said something inaudible lol,after "selamat malam nama saya Chanyeol" he wanna something more but turned out making a strange language and he's cracking at the stage,laughing aloud by clapping his hands and eyes-twitching like always lol..how adorable >_<


The Ending :
The concert was endes earlier than the schedule bcz they had to hurry,they went back to Korea right after the concert finished.

before you said i was so lucky i have to tell i did a lot of observations before of where is EXO at every performance from SMTown L.A,SMTown Tokyo,SMTown Seoul and SMTown Beijing so i know where will EXO be,and where's Kai and D.O at the ending. i choosed the very right spot lol.

at the ending,Chanyeol came out first with SJ and SNSD members without the other EXO members,he's smiling a lot then when to the left stage to greeted the fans and waving a lot too. he's super kind,he even stop so the fangirl beside can took his pic with instax camera when he was asked,he smiled to me too when i pointed to my from-exo-planet-to-Indonesia banner.
the other EXO members at the back kept bowing everytime their sunbaes came out from the backstage,some SNSD and SJ members patted they back.
Baekhyun and Chen joined to the stage while singing,with the other EXO members behind them,i forgot the line but they all come to the left stage to greeted fans,then went back to the center,stopped infront of me,playing with the others.

Luhan held Sehun's hand when they're went to the front stage. and when EXO members played with each other Luhan kept poking Sehun's side,and Sehun only giggled by that. yeah yeah,u're so in love with him i know lol XD.

Chen and Suho talked a bit,thats when they're infront of me,i called Chen Chen to made him look at his happy bday banner but he didnt heard me T^T.

Lay made a love sign above his head to the faraway fans,smiling so sweetly,and i called him ZHANG YIXING then he started to made a love sign to the front fans too. and yeah he's smiling to me too thank you. (╥﹏╥)

Tao's flying kisses to the faraway fans from the right to the left,he's smiling so brightly.

Kris and...jeez i forgot who,started to run to the left stage,making the fans gone crazy,then run back to the center.

and there's my life ruiner,kim jongin and do kyungsoo,stopped infront of me and didnt move at all like the other members,maybe too lazy lol,only waved and smiled at the fans around there,Jongin's waved to the sick fans in front of them,cutely,D.O's smiling so cutely too i think i might faint that time.
Jongin was so breath-taking,his body is perfeectt,in the perfect shape,with a perfect combination of tall,enough muscles and not-too-thin body..D.O looked small and cute beside him,waving with his two-small hands ♥
Jongin isnt too tanned,his skin might doesn't as white as the other Koreans,but sexaay...he and Tao's skin almost in the same toned.

EXO members bowed with the other SM artists for around 5secs, D.O and Kai bowed infront of me,i only can screamed "kyungsoo-yaahh..jongin-aaahhhh". too stunned by Jongin's perfection and Kyungsoo's cuteness.

they going back to the backstage with a lot of waving and smiling.


that's all that i can remembered for now,i'll add later if i forget something.
and if you wanna take this please credit to us.



tetiba je pikir pasal kahwin.. hahaha.. no !! saya bukan gatal nk kahwin ok... de kisah pasal kahwin... kwn2 wans de umur 20tahun.. so,, pmikiran dyowg open berbanding wans.. wans xminat kisah pasal kahwin.. sebab tu r asal couple putus.. TAPI BUAT MASA SEKARANG,, saya anti couple.... ada r sebab kenapa.. huhuhuhuhuhuhu.... ok, korang sedia maklumkan wans de boyfie 12 ORANG... LUHAN, KRIS CHEN, XIUMIN, TAO, LAY, SUHO, KAI, D.O CHANYEOL, SEHUN AND BAEKHYUN.. i love D.O the most but i want Baekhyun the most.. pening ?! hahahaha.. sebab taste wans ni pelik sikit... PENDEK, ADA STYLE SENDIRI, SENYUM MANIS, sejuk je mata memandang bukan... kalau dia pandai masak, itu sudah bagus.. macam D.O,, dia nk perempuan yang suka makan dan dia akan masak untuk perempuan itu,, Baekhyun pula nak perempuan yg nmpak cantik masa pakai jeans???????? hahahha.... i hope that was gonna be me.. hahhahhahaahahha... 

my second boyfie,,, baekhyun.... my crush for now muka sebijik macam dia

CR for the owner of this pic 

Kai and Luhan..... love them too

CR for the owner of this pic 

my hubby wanna be..... MR. Do Kyung Soo..love you !

CR for the owner of this pic 

Chen, Sehun and my sayang

CR for the owner of this pic 

Suho, Sehun, Kai, D.O, Baekhyun, Chanyeol

the cutest maknae, Sehun

CR for the owner of this pic 

his sweating... i want give him a tissue right now

CR for the owner of this pic 

chanyeol, you touch my boyfie :(  

Baekhyun and Tao


CR for the owner of this pic   


CR for the owner of this pic 

Baekhyun and D.O.... hurmm... tak tahu nak pilih mana ????

CR for the owner of this pic   

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

selamat malam....... nk tulis apa malam ni? xde idea tetapi tangan ni nak gk tkan keyboard.. wans xrajin tulis entry tbaru skarang sebab wans rajin guna tumblr + sya skunk jadi pelajar USM + saya juga jadi graphic designer smbilan di asianfanfics + sya juga jadi penulis cerpen bsiri di asianfanfics .. di masa wans tulis entry ni juga wans tengah layan YOUTUBE tengok

SMTown in Jakarta Press Conference.... 

wans jealous bebenor dengan kekawan di indonesia... dyowg leyh jumpa EXO K and EXO M, SUPER JUNIOR, SNSD , DBSK, KANGTA, F(X), SHINee... tetiba dgr Kangta ckp melayu.. seyez pelik kot.. hahaha... tapi xpe... i will make  sure that my Baekhyun and D.O can speak in malay very well.. kaget tetiba bila dgr Lee teuk ucap ASSALAMUALAIKUM... err... hhahaha.. pape je r..

I hope u will be mine one day :)

Sabtu, 15 September 2012

crush baru??

salam sejahtera... memandang wans tengah mengantuk and then cuba untuk hilang mengantuk tu,, wans pun menulis r entry terbaru ini... wans nak menulis pasal crush.. ha?! crush trbaru ke?? senior pula tu dari  course XXXXXX.. owh my.... wae??? sebab muka dy sebijik macam muka byun baekhyun EXO K... sebab tu tsuka kt dy.. tapi ni version melayu laaa..... tadi masa makan malam,, nampak r geng senior makan... then, nak dijadikan cerita... kita orang nk bayar and wans ternampak senior ni.. tergamam kot...... owgnya senyum manis+ PENDEK je (since tinggi sya 173.13cm).. so,, ushar r sampai kawan pun kata "weyh, mengelamun apa"... then, zup ! dia dah xde... sedih kot :( .... then,, heading to mydin kk.... wawa kata nampak dia beratur masa nk bayar kt kaunter... malangnya saya xde time tu sebab pergi tengok kasut (since sya pengumpul kasut.),.,, agak sedih di situ.... :(.. insyaALLAH aq dn engkau berjumpa lagi bukan.... 

Khamis, 13 September 2012

pimpin siswa siri satu

PIMPIN SISWA USM………… 6sept-8sept2012

ketika aku menulis entry ini,, aku baru sahaja selesai menamatkan sesi orientasi batch 93….. hahahaha. You can’t imagine that how I had done this week.. for a WEEK aku menjalani proses orientasi.. one words to say.. PENAT! Hahaha… sangat memenatkan menjadi pelajar tahun pertama UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSA 2012/2013.. ya ALLAH.. bagi kekuatan kepada aku. Amin…. Aku daftar 1 sept dalam pukul 12 tgahari then aku keluar dengan family aku selepas CHECK IN . Pukul 2petang aku masuk kembali… hahaa.. my first taklimat (since aku ponteng taklimat pagi2 tadi).. then,, bermula perjalanan hidup aku yang ketika tu x da room-mate (masa aku menulis ni,, aku baru je dapat room-mate, senior medic)..  pernah sekali aku x tjaga pukul 5pagi sebab penat sangat.. aku bertuah sebab ketua group aku paham.. (mybe dy kata semua hadir sedangkan aku xhadir pun).. nyaris x solat subuh aku… L .. then 6sept, aku bertolak ke lata belatan, jerteh Terengganu untuk program pimpin siswa yang diwajibkan kepada pelajar USM SAHAJA! Memenatkan ! hahahah.. but I enjoy with that… sampai je,, kitaowg pecah kumpulan,, buat ice breaking , created cheers and walking in midnight in the jungle by yourself. Hahahaha.. can you believe that, I’m get sleep for 1 hours only ! (I’m telling you true!)… around 2.10 a.m,,, kita orang berkumpul untuk masuk hutan. Aku pernah buat dah aktiviti tu masa f.2 kt lumut. So,, xde effect sangat kat aku laaaa plus aku memang mengantuk time tu…. Tomorrow morning, we had aerobic, games! ,,eat, cooking survival. The most interesting part is we need to sembelih ayam by ourselves..  wah the awesome experience ! hahahaha… as usual,, aku xreti masak so,, aku jadi orang belakang tabir buat kerja macam KUTIP KAYU API, TOLONG HIDUP API, KAWAL API, AMBIL BARANG , GIVE ORDER..,, KEMASKAN TEMPAT MEMASAK BALIK since aku pernah ikut kursus rekreasi thap satu kt pulau kolej mara kulim bulan 2 lepas.. kitaorang masak curry but the rest off group wat ayam masak kicap.. tapi xmenang pun walaupun aku rasa kitaorang punya group sedap giler !IKI (ketua fasilitator) kata kitaorang kalah 0.0001.. (betul ke x,, xtw r..)…  petang,, mandi SUNGAI selepas hiking kaki gunung tebu (kita orang naik sampai 400m,, tu pun dah penat…).. tapi memang best giler sbb last aku hiking bulan 2 lepas tapi xbape mncabar macam aku hiking kat taman negara pulau pinang otw ke pantai keranchut….malam,, kitaowg de malam persembahan.. aku dapat PAPARAZZI… HAHAHAHA! Group kitaowg first present.. ,,kitaowg jerit gembira sbb memang nk present awal sbb mengantok and nk tidur sambil dyowg wt persembahan…memang mengantuk habis ! then,, I get a long naps until next morning… ceramah tentang apa aku xtw tajuk dy sebab aku tidur je time tu tapi disampaikan dengan penuh semangat oleh SANIAQ a.k.a SANI… pz tu,, kemas  then majlis penutup.. kul 3 btolak balik then 4.30 ptg aku smpai USM… penat tapi SERONOK !

aku dan wawa

aku dan mira p.6

Rabu, 20 Jun 2012

Salam sejahtera semua… haha… lama kan wans menghilang??? Biasa la..kononnya nak tumpu pada study la katakan kahkahkah… bukan apa… idea selalu xde… tu r masalahnya..member wans,, amera kata ala copy paste je r artikel..hahha…xmw r wans…haha..t xde feel.. ok..FULL STOP,, sebenarnya wans nak cerita sal kekawan sekelas wans di matrix… hahaha… mesti ramai adik2 dapat matrix kt Kolej Mara Kulim kn..hahaha… jangan risau lah..matrix is fun..mna ade kna jual2… ada je tempat untuk kitaowg dax mtrix kt U (mnteri pljran ckp)… so,,thinking wisely k… saya first masuk pn untung sbb de mmber sekolah dapat 1 mtrix n finally kiteowg satu kelas n satu dorm n she be my cbemate,,,hahhaha… so,, ary ny sya cite sal dax M (my classmate at KMku).. total 35 owg je.. dyowg selalu ingat 36.. weh,,lupa ke husna dh kuar???!! Hahaha

M1 de : Daniel Syaukani (our president), Shahid Walid, Azlia, Halimah, Abie, Syifa, Azmeera, Eva, Annym, Bruno Faiz, Haziqah, Dyana, fatin zulia..

M2: Azizi (atok), Amer (pakcik), WANS (representative..??koya jp), Mia (amera), Azzwa, Cik tara2, Atiqah, Tomen (shida), Dee, Ummi, n ibu (farah adibah), amalia aisyah (elle)

M3: Syahid (my big twin brother), Afiey, Nyssa Sukor, Yana, Sakinah, Aimuni (my geng wan), Sheyhan (my cbemate dulu), Amiera Ibrahim,Farhana and Atikah Najwa..


ALL M AT CIKGU ZAITON HOUSE..                                                                       

,            M2 CLASS
DARI KIRI: ummi, ibu,mia,cik tara2, amer, atok,dee, atiqah, tomen
Saya???yg pkai lab kot r… cite2…DOKTOR!!....haha..… tpi pe yg pasti pahit dn mnis mjdi kngan tetapi MANIS tu tetap hidup dalam kenangan… terlampau  bnyk knangan..yang bestnya,,, saya jumpa kwn2 yg trbaik dlm hdup 19thun xD..tata… t sya tulis saya sal DORM WARAS.. I aM DC OK…

my beloved girlfriend

                                                                 me and nur amera bakri

                                                              me and my ex cubemate+ schoolmate

                                                             amera,hanim,me, and with my beloved IBU,,farah adibah

Selasa, 19 Jun 2012

hey you... im back!! haha.. sorry lama x coret2 karut marut dlm ny... btw,,, wans dh GRADUATED from kolej mara kulim under matrikulasi programme... haha.. mtrix susah??!! yes u are... susah sbb malas study wekkk :P... haha... btw,,, result pun dh kuar ary yg sya flight dgn Etihad airways ke jeddah  ..... hahaha... pjuk memujuk blaku antara abah n mama yg lovely.... its okay law result truk.... leyh update upu,,,siap2.... hahaha.... BTW,,, thanks to ALLAH... my result is good but not great... im sorry mom... i cant give u 4flat again... but pngk 3.87 is not bad right??? im gotta 3.91 for my second exam.... slack chemist A-... rasa dunia glap sketika.... myesal xbgi sem1 4flat....huhuhuh......but,,,im still can be student u..... hahaha.... thanks to ALLAH,,, sya mnunaikn umrah .... abah belanja... haha... ti nk g gn suami.... n g gn kluarga lgii,,,, what can i say.... mecca is so GREAT.... madinah is so AWESOME.... hahaha... i miss that place again... Ya ALLAH... gve me another chance to me and my family go our place again......wanna to say,,, to my friend,, nor azzwa at mecca right now,,, moga sihat selalu and dapat mengerjakan umrah dengan tawaduknya ....insyaAllah... ny sya stertakan gmbar ketika disana