Selasa, 19 Jun 2012

hey you... im back!! haha.. sorry lama x coret2 karut marut dlm ny... btw,,, wans dh GRADUATED from kolej mara kulim under matrikulasi programme... haha.. mtrix susah??!! yes u are... susah sbb malas study wekkk :P... haha... btw,,, result pun dh kuar ary yg sya flight dgn Etihad airways ke jeddah  ..... hahaha... pjuk memujuk blaku antara abah n mama yg lovely.... its okay law result truk.... leyh update upu,,,siap2.... hahaha.... BTW,,, thanks to ALLAH... my result is good but not great... im sorry mom... i cant give u 4flat again... but pngk 3.87 is not bad right??? im gotta 3.91 for my second exam.... slack chemist A-... rasa dunia glap sketika.... myesal xbgi sem1 4flat....huhuhuh......but,,,im still can be student u..... hahaha.... thanks to ALLAH,,, sya mnunaikn umrah .... abah belanja... haha... ti nk g gn suami.... n g gn kluarga lgii,,,, what can i say.... mecca is so GREAT.... madinah is so AWESOME.... hahaha... i miss that place again... Ya ALLAH... gve me another chance to me and my family go our place again......wanna to say,,, to my friend,, nor azzwa at mecca right now,,, moga sihat selalu and dapat mengerjakan umrah dengan tawaduknya ....insyaAllah... ny sya stertakan gmbar ketika disana